Reach out and sing out
Got a burning question about turning your living room into a KTV paradise? Curious about our extensive song library? Or maybe you're ready to bring the party home? Whatever's on your mind, we're here to help.
Fill out our contact form below, and we'll get back to you faster than you can say "encore!" Our team of karaoke enthusiasts is standing by to assist you with:
Product inquiries
Technical support
Song library questions
Ordering information
General feedback (we love hearing your karaoke stories!
102-103, Building 1, District D, Jinxiu Huacheng Science Park, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
K.GE Home Entertainment
Enjoy singing with our home entertainment system.
102-103, Building 1, District D, Jinxiu Huacheng Science Park, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
© 2024. All rights reserved.